When you post a message to the forum by emailing quakeforum@medwayhosting.com , the email is automatically sent to all other members of the forum. Non-members cannot send to the forum.

To subscribe to the forum, an email must be sent FROM YOUR OWN EMAIL ACCOUNT. If you try it from anyone else's it will be them who subscribes, and not you.

Warning: Messages to this forum are not moderated prior to posting but abuse of the forum will result in the sender being barred from the forum permanently. AET and Medway Hosting will not be held responsible for any messages posted, and any opinions expressed are those of the individual and should not be taken as being the views of either AET or Medway Hosting. By subscribing to this service you agree to all terms and conditions.


Click HERE and then simply click SEND

or to do it manually send an email to listadmin@medwayhosting.com and set the subject line to
JOIN quakeforum@medwayhosting.com

You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Please reply to it and you can then post to the list.


Click HERE and then click SEND

or to do it manually send an email to listadmin@medwayhosting.com and set the subject line to
LEAVE quakeforum@medwayhosting.com

PLEASE NOTE: Any mail sent to listadmin other than to JOIN or LEAVE is automatically ignored. If you have any queries regarding the forum, please contact phil@medwayhosting.com